Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hobart : Estrella Cabeza Candela continues her route !

(RO)   Estrella Cabeza Candela, jucatoarea spaniola, venita din calificari merge mai departe in sferturile de finala la Hobart ! Adversara acesteia fiind favorita 4 si detinatoarea trofeului, jucatoarea rusa Elena Vesnina ! Cert e ca Cabeza Candela a profitat de retragerea Vesninei, in al treilea set, cand conducea cu 4-1 ! Dupa ce a pierdut primul set cu 4-6, Estrella a demostrat un joc constant si echilibrat si urmatoarele 2 seturi !
Astfel , Estrella Cabeza Candela se califica in sferturile de finala ale turneului, si este una dintre cele 2 jucatoarea venite din calificari  aflate in aceasta etapa, alaturi de Garbine Muguruza ! Urmatoarea oponenta pentru Cabeza Candela va fi Monica Niculescu !

(EN)   Estrella Cabeza Candela, Spanish player , ranked number 114 in the WTA rankings , coming from qualifying go further in the quarterfinals in Hobart! Its opponent was the 4 seed of the tournament and the defended champion , the Russian player Elena Vesnina ! The fact is that Cabeza Candela took advantage of the Vesnina's retiring in the third set when the Spanish lead 4-1! After losing the first set 4-6, Estrella has demonstrated a steady and balanced game in the nest two sets, imposing 4-6 6-2 4-1 ret.!
Thus, Estrella Cabeza Candela is one of the two players who came from qualifying , together with Garbine Muguruza and secures a spot in the quarterfinals of the tournament ! Next for her will be the Romanian player, Monica Niculescu !

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